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Growing Energy: Report from NRDC 一 是一篇近百頁的文章,說明生質能源將會如何幫助美國對石油的依賴以渡過石油不足2050危機。
Bring the Biofuels to the Pump: Report from NRDC 一 另外一篇NRDC的報告,延伸上一主題說明從農場植物到生質柴油是解決石油危機的最適當方法。

生物能釋放的方式包括:生物質量直接燃燒成熱能或先轉型成燃料 (Hydrogen, Methane, ethanol, Biofuel ),再轉換成電能。其中,先轉型成燃料又可以化學方法(氣化及熱裂解)或生物方法處理得到。完整細節可參考美國能源局 Biomass Program。其他相關文獻簡述於下。

Biofuel from biomass:用光合細菌直接生產的氫氣或以木材、廚餘、廢水等醱酵所生產的沼氣、甲醇、酒精等來產生能量。
Leland M Vane (2005) A review of Pervaporation for Product Recovery from Biomass Fermentation Processes.Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 80(6):603-629. — 在此篇文章中,有一目了然的流程圖可幫助您對整個生物製程的了解。
E. Nakada, S. Nishikat, Y. Asada, J.Miyake (1999) Photosynthetic Bacterial Hydrogen Production Combined with a Fuel Cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 24: 1053-1057.
Biomass Hydrogen Conversion Breaks 100 Hour Operational Run.
Thomas A. Milne, Carolyn C. Elam and Robert J. Evans Hydrogen from Biomass: State of the Art and Research Challenges. , National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. This report of the International Energy Agency Hydrogen Program reviews primarily thermal production routes of biomass to hydrogen including, gasification, pyrolysis, partial oxidation and supercritical conversion. It also discusses conversion of storable intermediates like pyrolysis oils, methanol, ethanol and methane.
A Process Which Converts about 90% of the Solid Feed to Methane and CO2
Lee-Parsons, Carolyn W.T.; Shuler, Michael L. (2005) Sparge Gas Composition Affects Biomass and Ajmalicine Production from Immobilized Cell Cultures of Catharanthus roseus. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 37(4), 424-434.
Bacteria for bioenergy conversion 一 些用來作為生物能量轉換的菌種研究、菌種特性、相關代謝路徑與可能的基因工程改造計劃。
美國能源局的微生物改造計劃。包括Zymomonas mobilis對 xylose 和 arabinose的代謝路徑、lignocellulose 的水解代謝、The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA)的玉米皮之代謝路徑、杜邦公司的Zymomonas mobilis 研究等。
一組酒精耐受性高的混合酵母菌株,提供在家自製酒精的生物製程。Turbo is comprised of a mix of very alcohol tolerant yeast and complex nutrients that quickly ferment a pure sugar solution into alcohol.
Ohmiya, Kunio; Sakka, Kazuo; Kimura, Tetsuya; Morimot0, Kenji Application of Microbial Genes to Recalcitrant Biomass Utilization and Environmental Conservation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering Volume: 95, Issue: 6, 2003, pp. 549-561.
Kim, Kil Yong; Jordan, D; McDonald, GA (1998) Enterobacter Agglomerans, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, and Microbial Activity in Soil: Effect of Carbon Sources. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30(8-9), 995-1003.
S. W. Gorsich, B. S. Dien, N. N. Nichols, P. J. Slininger, Z. L. Liu, C. D. Skory (2005) Tolerance to Furfural-induced Stress is Associated with Pentose Phosphate Pathway Genes ZWF1, GND1, RPE1, and TKL1 in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 一 一些在酵母菌體中基因組的分子工程研究。這些基因的是可在將lignocellulose醱酵為酒精時,提高其耐受性。
Michaelis W, Seifert R, Nauhaus K, Treude T, Thiel V, Blumenberg M, Knittel K, Gieseke A, Peterknecht K, Pape T, Boetius A, Amann R, Jorgensen BB, Widdel F, Peckmann J, Pimenov NV, Gulin MB. (2002) Microbial Reefs in the Black Sea Fueled by Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane. Science 297(5583), 1013-5. 一 極富潛力的未開發菌種,且發表在science 之文章。
Rabaey K, Verstraete W. (2005) Microbial Fuel Cells: Novel Biotechnology for Energy Generation. Trends Biotechnol. 23(6), 291-8. 一 用微生物當作觸媒的微生物燃料電池系統。
Yi-Heng Percival Zhang, Lee R. Lynd (2004) Toward an Aggregated Understanding of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose:Noncomplexed Cellulase Systems. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 88(7), 797. 一 探討纖維素醱酵分解系統中,酵素濃度、纖維素吸附特性、水解與定量模組,以提供最適化流程。
Zheng, Yu-Guo; Chen, Xiao-Long; Wang, Zhao. Microbial Biomass Production from Rice Straw Hydrolysate in Airlift Bioreactors. Journal of Biotechnology Volume: 118, Issue: 4, September 10, 2005, pp. 413-420. 一 關於稻桿的醱酵實驗資料,很適合東方國家來發展喔!
Friedl, A.; Padouvas, E.; Rotter, H.; Varmuza, K. (2005) Prediction of Heating Values of Biomass Fuel from Elemental Composition. Analytica Chimica Acta 544(1-2), 191-198. 一 由 154個物質計算出之規律性:由分子組成可知其熱能量。
Nonhebel, Sanderine, "Renewable Energy and Food Supply: Will There be Enough Land?" Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2005 pp. 191-201.
Fujino, J.; Yamaji, K.; Yamamoto, H., "Biomass-balance Table for Evaluating Bioenergy Resources" Applied Energy 1999 pp. 75-89.
H. Tributsch (2003) Coupling Bio-geochemical Processes to Regenerative Energy for an Industrial Carbon ycle. Hydrometallurgy 71: 293–300.
Kabel MA, van der Maarel MJ, Klip G, Voragen AG, Schols HA.(2006) Standard Assays Do Not Predict the Efficiency of Commercial Cellulase Preparations Towards Plant Materials. Biotechnol Bioeng. 93(1), 56-63.