http://gc.chem.sinica.edu.tw/ |
Biomass refinery |
書籍 |
友善列印 |
Catalysis for Renewables ── Edited by G. Centi and R. A. van Santen, Wiley-VCH, 2007. 此書提及了很多應用在生物資源上的催化反應,包括 Lingnocellulose的化學法轉換、再生資源轉換成各式bioproduct的催化反應、生物油/脂(oleochemicals)的產業發展與應用、還有從再生資源合成各式化學品(包括克流感(Tamiflu))、生物質(Biomass)轉換成燃料的熱化學反應 (Thermochemical Conversion)、熱轉化反應 (Thermal Biomass Conversion),以及甘油(Glycerol) 的轉化、油脂的轉化、氫氣製備、光能的光催化反應介紹等。 New(2008.10.2) |
國內實例 |
纖維素料原技術之開發 ── 化工,第54卷第1期,pp. 107-133 (2007) |
Review Articles |
Starting a Revolution — Chemical & Engineering News. 2003, Dec. 17-18. Cargill sees corn and soybeans as chemical feedstocks of the future. |
Hot Articles |
演講之Powerpoint檔案/ Summer School之資料 |
最難被分解的lignocellulose. Lignocellulosic Biomass Processing: A Perspective. By Michael Knauf and Mohammed Moniruzzaman Genencor International, 200 Meridian Centre Blvd., Rochester, NY 14618, USA Director,Industry Manager-Fermentation Alcohol, Genencor International, 200 Meridian Centre Blvd., Rochester, update(2008.9.10) |
1999 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award:"Economic Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass to Chemicals." A consortium of two small businesses, Biofine Corporation and Chemical Industry Services, with NREL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and New York State Energy Research Development Authority combined to develop a new process to convert waste sludges from paper processing into value-added chemicals. This green process produced a platform chemical, levulinc acid, that could be converted into herbicides, fuel oxygenates, or plastics. |
1994 Federal Laboratory Consortium Award: This award was presented to NREL for its role in transferring technology developed in the laboratory to the private sector. NREL was a key partner in the Pyrolysis Materials Research Consortium (PMRC), a group of companies attempting to commercialize resin technology based on extracting phenolic compounds from biomass pyrolysis liquids. NREL staff worked directly with engineers at Interchem Industries to produce detailed design and engineering drawings for scaling a vortex pyrolysis reactor from 0.5 ton/day to 15 ton/day. |
Conferences |