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Bioenergy |
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目前資源共享網雛型已成,歡迎大家提供資料與改進方向,讓資源共享的精神促進科研之推廣與發展。 |
2006. 7 |
生質能源 (biomass energy) 是一種重要的再生能源,與風能、太陽能、地熱等一樣具有取之不盡、用之不竭的特性。與其他新能源比較,生質能因使用材料多為廢棄物,故兼具廢棄物的回收處理與能源生產的雙重效益。另外,使用生質能源可以減少溫室氣體的排放,而且使能源供給多樣化,同時能夠提供鄉村新的財源。生物質之應用可以明確的以生質能源技術 (bioenergy technology)之開發來說明。而生質能源技術包括兩大發展方向,即:(1)生質燃料 (biofuels),亦即將生物質轉變為燃料,如乙醇、丁醇、生物柴油或 methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 與 ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE)等,主要應用於交通運輸用燃油之取代物;(2)生質電能 (biopower),包括直接燃燒生物質來產生氫氣、一氧化碳與甲烷混合物,再配合氣體渦輪 (gas turbine) 來產生電能,或是將生物質以醱酵技術轉換成氣體燃料(如氫氣或甲烷)或醇類燃料,再配合燃料電池 (fuel cells) 之發展以應用於電力之生產。
生質能源技術事實上包含了跨領域之技術整合,其中有應用現代生物技術所發展出之基因轉殖(genetic cloning,主要是創造出特殊的微生物來協助生物質之轉化)、醱酵控制(乃為高效率與自動化的醱酵程序控制,以充分轉化生物質成為有用物質)與生物觸媒技術(biocatalysis),乃利用生化催化劑(如cellulase, amylase, lignin peroxidase等)來取代化學催化劑以進行生物質之前處理或轉化,而達成環保、高效率與節能之功能)等。很多情況下亦必須配合熱裂解之生物質處理或生質精煉程序 (biorefinery) 來模仿石油化學之精煉程序,以達成不同的生物質成份之轉化與純化,如此才能充分達成不同成份之可利用性的目標;透過生質精煉程序,甚至可以提供生物質轉化過程所需要的電能與熱能,而無須仰賴石化資源來供應所需能源。
實例 |
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Review Articles |
Synergies between Bio- and Oil Refineries for the Production of Fuels from Biomass — Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 7184 – 7201. 本篇回顧論文製造 biofuels 所用之化學、催化劑與面臨之挑戰。 |
Koonin SE. (2006) Getting Serious about Biofuels. Science 311(5760):435.— 2006年最急迫的號召:正視生物燃料。 |
Knight, Bruce; Westwood, Adam. (2004) World Biomass Review: Biomass as a Global Power source. Refocus 5(6):42-44. |
Rosillo-Calle, Frank; Cortez, Luis A. B. (1998)Towards ProAlcool II--a review of the Brazilian Bioethanol Programme. Biomass & Bioenergy14(2): 115-124. — 巴西的汽油與酒精市場變化 |
Power Surge for Lab — Chemical & Engineering News. 2006, Aug. 13-17. Energy crisis and presidential initiative bring new visibility to decades of research at 30-year-old National Renewable Energy Laboratory. |
Hydrogen Energy — National renewable energy lab. (NREL) 2007/1/15 網站文章。Hydrogen can be separated from hydrocarbons through the application of heat - a process known as reforming. Currently, most hydrogen is made this way from natural gas. Some algae and bacteria, using sunlight as their energy source, even give off hydrogen under certain conditions. |
An Overview of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel Life Cycles — NREL網站文章NREL/TP-580-24772. |
以生技產製生物燃料 — 科學發展 2006, 11月, 407期, 53-57. |
Synthesis of biodiesel via acid catalysis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.44(2005)5353 — by J. G. Goodwin, Jr. and co-workers. |
Transesterification of vegitable oil to biodiesel using heterogeneous base catalyst, Catalysis Today, 93-95 (2004) 315. — by K.-Y. Lee and co-workers. |
Preparation of biodiesel fro soybean oil using supercritical methanol and co-solvent, fuel, 84 (2005) 347 — by J. Zhang and co-workers. |
EPA (of USA) document of biodiesel. |
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Handbook of Energy Crops 一 By James A. Duke. The Handbook provides discussion and presentation of available information such as: nomenclature, uses, folk medicine, chemical composition, botanical description, germplasm, distribution, ecology, cultivation, harvesting, yields and economics, energy, biotic factors, and key references. The technologist, attempting to identify plant species that merit further attention or show promise for satisfying specific fuels, chemicals, and materials needs, should find this an invaluable reference source. 你知道大豆(Glycine max)的氨基酸成分最多的不是glycine嗎?一些能源作物的資料,包括命名、名俗療法、成分等,都可以在此找到。 |
Biomass fuels have been extensively analysed using combustion and gasification experiments, as well as an indication of the feedstock's suitability for ethanol production.CSIRO Database contains the results of analysis, including:
- Proximate and ultimate analysis
- Calorific calue
- Ash elemental analysis
- Ash melting temperatures
- Sample fouling and corrosion propensity
- Gasification characteristics
- Assessment of liquid fuel production
生物燃料的燃燒與氣化分析資料。 |
Phyllis is a database, containing information on the composition of biomass and waste. Phyllis enables you to make analysis data of individual biomass or waste materials available and offers you the possibility to obtain the average composition of any combination of groups and/or subgroups. 生物物質及生物廢棄物燃燒後之成分分析資料庫。 |
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