http://gc.chem.sinica.edu.tw/ |
General introduction |
引言 |
目前資源共享網雛型已成,歡迎大家提供資料與改進方向,讓資源共享的精神促進科研之推廣與發展。 |
2006. 7 |
簡介( http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/~ktliu/pubs/簡介永續化學)
永續化學概論 推薦 |
實例 |
書籍 |
Review Articles |
Chemical Review 2007, 107, issue 6 — This issue is a special edition containing a broad coverage of green chemistry including ionic liquids, supercritical liquids, green synthetic routes to organic molecules, etc. 推薦 |
Chemical Society Review 2012, Issues 4. Themed issue for green chemistry |
Sustainable Water: Chemical Science Priorities by Royal Society of Chemitry (2007) — 英國化學會主導的一份報告,提出化學研究與化學工業在維持水資源的永續性上可以著力的項目。 |
Origins, Current Status, and Future Challenges of Green Chemistry (Acc. Chem. Res. 2002, 35, 686-694) — Paul T. Anastas於2002年之回顧論文 |
Green Chemistry: Challenges and Opportunities (Green Chem, 1999, 1, 1-8) — 由Green Chem期刊所刊登的第一篇文章,值得一讀。 |
more... |
News |
重要網站 |
綠色化學中心 |
Databases/Expert System |
演講之Powerpoint檔案/ Summer School之資料 |
永續合成工作坊-歷次演講內容 |
台灣大學劉廣定教授於中央大學授課之內容(永續化學概論)推薦 |
Sustainability of Energy, Food, and Water, 25 March 2007, Chicago — 美國化學會會長在化學年會期間召開之會議。所有會議內容之影音檔案均可由此網頁「Presentations」項下連結。 推薦 |
2009 ACS Green Chemistry Summer School Presentations — 有12場演講的投影片可直接下載 |
Green Chemistry: Background, Key Concepts and Principles — 綠色化學簡介之投影片。 |
The Overview of Green Sustainable Chemistry Activity in Taiwan — an invited lecture presented at GSC-AON 2007, Jointed Meeting of the 1st Asian-Oceanian Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry and the 7th Annual Green and Sustainable Chemistry Symposium on March 6-9, 2007 at National Center of Sciences, Tokyo.
Agenda and presentations of the 4th Stakeholder Meeting, 27 August 2006, Budapest — 透過這些演講內容,可以瞭解歐洲、中國對永續化學之看法與作法。網頁右邊可下載SusChem所組織之行動方案(SusChem Draft Implementation Action Plan) |
Green Chemisry: Pollution Prevention by Design — 綠色化學簡介之投影片。 |
綠色化學之內涵 — 2007年台東大學綠色科學與奈米技術研討會中的演講稿。 |
Conferences |
The 15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference in concert with the 5th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, June 21-23, 2011, in Washington, DC. |
Sustainable Chemistry 2011—
First International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry 6 - 8 July 2011, Antwerp, Belgium |
15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference June 21-23, 2011, Washington, D.C., USA |
Next Generation Bio-Based Chemicals Summit — San Diego, CA, February 8-10, 2010 "Bringing together the value chain for drop-in and new chemicals derived from cellulosics, algae, waste streams, and CO2" |
Chemistry for a Sustainable World —The theme for the 239th ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA. March 21-25, 2010 |
The 12th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference — Date: June 24-26, 2008 Place: Capital Hilton, in Washington, DC |
Gordon Research Conference on Green Chemistry — Date: Aug. 3-8, 2008 Place: Lewiston (Maine), USA |
2nd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry — Date: Sept. 14-20, 2008 Place: Saint-Petersburg, Russia. |
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Scholarship/ Summer School
Journal |
ChemSusChem — A 2008 journal published by Wiley, aimed to become a top interdisciplinary journal for research at the interface of chemistry and sustainability. |
Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews — A 2008 journal published by Taylor and Francis for rapid publication of innovative new syntheses and procedures that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous materials. |
Green Chemistry — 以"Green Chemistry"命名並由英國化學會出版之專業化學期刊。 |