引言   友善列印
Review Articles
Stable Isotope Laboratory in University of Colorado — 科羅拉多大學提供氧、碳及氫的穩定同位素分析,這是樣品製備同時分析的例子。
Overview of Stable Isotope Research — 喬治亞大學的穩定同位素的分析實驗室網站。
Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) and Isotope Hydrology Information System — 這個網站提供了同位素測量的資料庫。
Hot Articles
Advances in Analytical Valve Technology — This discusses about advances in valve technology
This Discusses about Advances in Valve Technology — Advances in atmospheric chemistry
Green chemistry and the Role of Analytical Methodology Development — Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 1999, 29 (3), 167.

Green Analytical Chemistry - Some RemarksJournal of Separation Science, 2001, 24 (2), 151.

Analytical Applications of Membrane Extraction for Biomedical and Environmental Liquid Sample PreparationCritical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 35 (3), 217.

Real-time Electrochemical Monitoring: Toward Green Analytical ChemistryAccounts of Chemical Research, 2002, 35 (9), 811.

Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry - A Material ApproachAnalytica Chimica Acta, 2006, 556 (1), 1.

National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI) — 網站內容主要涵蓋水、底泥、空氣和生物組織基質之法規管制和非法規監測用的方法和步驟。其中之更綠色方法剖析(Greener Method Profiles)計畫,目標為定義、找出、和推廣化學分析方法以符合美國化學會綠色化學院(Green Chemistry Institute)所首先提出之使用較少有害溶劑、使用更安全化學品、和減少廢棄物產生。與綠色化學院的委員合作試著定義指標和規定並應用到NEMI網站中的分析方法。最新論文Green Analytical Methodologies (CHEMICAL REVIEWS 107 (6): 2695-2708 JUN 2007)中有更詳細之描述。 

US department of Agriculture Reducing Mycotoxins in Food and Agricultural Commodities — New technologies to detect and analyze mycotoxins in plants and in food and feed matrices.

Analytical Chemistry Links
Association of Analytical Communities
Analytical Chemistry Network
Analytical Science Digital Library
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, Analytical Division
International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry:
Databases/Expert System
Analytical Chemistry Web Resources — Analytical chemistry network
NIST Scientific and Technical Databases — NIST is a comprehensive set of easy-to-use databases and online systems useful for analytical chemist identify unknown materials and obtain physical, chemical, and spectroscopic data about known substances.
Analytical Chromatography —This link provides link to many groups and companies with major focus on chromatography
Education Database: Analytical Science .com — List and links of registered analytical chemistry groups around the world
Latest Developments in Spectrometric Analysis —This link deals with latest developments in analytical chemistry from spectroscopy point of view.
Latest Developments in Separation Sciences —This link deals with latest developments in analytical chemistry from separation science point of view.
Frontiers in Biosciences — Links to topics in analytical chemistry
MolData — Resources for advanced analytical chemistry
Softwares for Analytical Chemistry —This links provides software resources used for analytical chemistry research
Analytical Community — Analytical chemistry community and resources
Analytical Chemistry Middlebury College — Useful analytical chemistry websites and tools

Analytical Advances in Detection of Performance-enhancing Compounds — These links provide latest advances in detection of performance enhancing compounds/drugs of abuse Pubmed services

Resources for Analytical Chemistry Students — Useful information for analytical chemistry

The Analytical Chemistry Springboard UmeaUniversity — All the resources for students and professional in analytical chemistry

IowaStateUniversity Electronic Library — All resources relevant to chemistry amd analytical chemistry
Chemical Analysis — All about analytical chemistry, literature covering all subcategories in analytical chemistry
Databases and ncyclopedia — Recent topics in analytical chemistry from science and technology perspective. Comprehensive database.
Analytical Chemistry Storming media Pentagon Reports: Fast Definitive Complete — Recent developments in analytical chemistry
Atheris laboratories Venoms Database — Database of venomous animals snakes
Analytical Chemistry; Reference Materials — Standards
Valid Analytical Measurements — List of links to other sites that contain information relevant to Valid Analytical Measurement
New paradigm: Sample Handling Operation Wizard (SHOW) — Resources for analytical chemist
Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre — 這是蘇格蘭的實驗室解釋使用穩定同位素可以用來探討地球的碳與氮的循環,能源的消耗及身體組成,蛋白質合成,與致癌因子的研究等。
Personal Homepage
The Johnston Group University of Delaware — Developments in aerosol and biological mass spectroscopy. Real time single particle mass spectroscopy database
Department of Analytical Chemistry Stockholm University — Advances in indoor and outdoor environmental analysis and bioanalysis
Advances in Analytical Proteomics Pittcon 2004 — This presentation outlines the development of proteomics
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