書籍   友善列印

Organic Reactions in Water — Edited by U. M. Lindstrom, Blackwell, 2007

Comprehensive Organic Reactions in Aqueous Media, 2nd Edition — Chao-Jun Li and Tak-Hang Chen, Wily-Interscience, 2007

Green Reaction Media in Organic Synthesis —  ISBN: 140513402X
Ed. by Koichi Mikami, Blackwell publishing
Solvent-free Organic Synthesis (Green Chemistry) by Koichi Tanaka —  This book offers graphical summaries and detail reaction procedures of 537 examples of solvent-free organic reactions and is important book for either research or teaching green organic synthesis.
Review Articles
Green chemistry tools to influence a medicinal chemistry and research chemistry based organization避免使用之有機溶劑其替代溶劑見 Green Chem., 2008, 10, 31-36.
What is a green solvent ? a comprehensive framework for the environmental assessment of solventsGreen Chem., 20079, 927-934.
Green Solvents for Sustainable Organic Synthesis: State of the Art —  本篇回顧了在有機合成中所使用之新的反應媒介的目前科技進步水準。
Practical Approaches to Green Solvents (Science, 2002, 297, 799-803) — 這一篇被大量引用的文章回顧了使用替代性"綠色溶劑"的實際可行之應用。
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