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目前資源共享網雛型已成,歡迎大家提供資料與改進方向,讓資源共享的精神促進科研之推廣與發展。 |
2006. 7 |
Green Separation Processes: Fundamentals and Applications — Carlos A. M. Afonso (Editor), Joao Pedro G. Crespo (Editor), Paul T. Anastas (Foreword by) ISBN: 978-3-527-30985-6 Hardcover 383 pages
September 2005.
This timely book is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of this modern technology with the focus on the "green aspect". The expert authors present everything from reactions without solvents to nanostructures for separation methods, from combinatorial chemistry on solid phase to dendrimers. The result is a ready reference packed full of valuable facts on the latest developments in the field - high-quality information otherwise widely spread throughout articles and reviews.
From the contents:
* Green chemistry for sustainable development
* New synthetic methodologies and the demand for adequate separation processes
* New developments in separation processes
* Future trends and needs
Eco-Industrial Park Handbook for Asian Developing Countries — This is a Handbook for Development of Eco-Industrial Parks presenting a comprehensive means of applying Cleaner Production and Industrial Ecology in Asian developing countries. The Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) concept and methods enable real estate developers, industrialists, policy makers, regulators, investors, and communities to collaborate in the vital search for sustainable development. |
Exergy Flows in Industrial Processes — The aim of this book is to show the simplicity and the value of using the concept of exergy when analyzing industrial processes and to develop conventions and standards within the field. The losses revealed in an exergy treatment of a process should be seen as a challenge to achieve technical improvements, not as an insurmountable obstacle. |
Review Articles |
In Search of Sustainability: Process R&D in Light of Current Pharmaceutical Industry Challenges — Federsel HJ Drug Discovery Today 11 (21-22): 966-974 NOV 2006. Abstract: Is there a need for a paradigm shift in the pharmaceutical industry? Many researchers think so and take as examples the eroding corporate reputation, a regulatory environment that is harsher than ever, and the request for cheaper drugs from patient organizations and authorities. Process R&D, which interfaces medicinal chemistry and production, has taken on this challenge by increasing the delivery focus early on to ensure timely availability of desired compounds. The quest for lower costs of goods has forced the design of best synthetic routes that, given the molecular complexity, often lead to catalytic methodologies. Applying these methodologies will enable not only the cost element, but also the increasingly important aspects of environmental friendliness, and atom and stage efficiency, to be addressed.
Green Chemistry of Polymers — Pinkowska H POLIMERY 51 (11-12): 836-842 2006. Abstract: The article is a review of the newest literature data (159 references) concerning the application of the rules of green and sustainable chemistry in chemistry of polymers. The processes (being in agreement with these rules) of manufacturing of intermediate products for polymers syntheses, coming from oil or renewable resources, as well as the polymerization carried out in the presence of metallocene or enzymatic catalysts were described. Alternate media of polymerization reactions, such as supercritical carbon dioxide, ionic liquids and water, were characterized. Special attention has been paid to biodegradable polymers, feedstock recycling and energy recovery from polymeric materials used, especially in the presence of supercritical liquids.
Cleaner Industrial Processes Using Hydrogen Peroxide — Use of hydrogen peroxide as potential catalyst in industrial chemical synthesis is reviewed with special focus on work published in the last five years |
Chlorine: the Only Green Element – Towards a Wider Acceptance of its Role in Natural Cycles — Interesting article on Chlorine in its different form.
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重要網站 |
Databases/expert System |
綠色化學技術資訊交換網站 — 經由社群收集與分享新技術資訊 推薦 |
The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis and Biodegradation — Microbial biocatalytic reactions and biodegradation pathways primarily for xenobiotic, chemical compounds |
Ducon Group of Companies — Advanced technologies and tools for green chemistry |
Green Pages — Discussions on various aspects of green chemistry and relevant links |
Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award — Initiatives by US EPA to encourage green chemistry and its practices by awarding the work in green chemistry |
Green Chemistry in USA — Green Chemistry initiatives by US EPA |
Greenchemistry Centre of Industrial Collaboration — The Green Chemistry and the Consumer project is an exciting new venture from the GCN, aimed at delivering knowledge and understanding of Green Chemistry to consumers and retailers, and covers all chemical-dependant consumer products including clothing, furnishing, electronic goods, personal care products and food. |
Green Chemistry Resources — Green chemistry in academic, industries and governmental organizations around the world. |
Knight Research Group Department of Chemistry Loyola University New Orleans — The green synthesis of organic compounds is an area of growing importance in industry and academia
Green Chemistry Center of Industrial Collaboration — Chemical Society network |
National Interuniversity Consortium “Chemistry for the Environment”.— Network for green chemistry |
Green Education Materials for Chemists — Database for chemists working on the principles of green chemistry |
Department of Biological Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory University of Minho — Anaerobic/aerobic processes for mineralization of fat, wastewater treatment, Bio-methane and Bio-hydrogen production from organic waste. |
Enviroinfo — A database with interesting articles covering all the aspects of green chemistry |
Union of Concerned Scientists — Current hot issues through green chemistry perspectives |
Green Innovations Inc. Homepage — Resources in green chemistry |
Energy Research Center of Netherland — Exploring research in various |
演講之Powerpoint檔案/ Summer School之資料 |
Journal |
Personal Webpage
K and Cl Enrichment During Black-Liquor Combustion — The release of potassium and chloride was measured during pyrolysis and combustion of dry black-liquor solids in a laminar-entrained-flow reactor at 700–1100°C. Enrichment of potassium and chloride was greatest at 700°C in N2. |
Rayner Chemistry Group Home Page, Leeds University — Use of supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (scCO2) as an environmentally acceptable replacement for conventional organic solvents in organic synthesis |
James Clark Green Chemistry Group — Improvement of the processes both in terms of their environmental performance and efficiency through the application of catalysis, alternative solvents and reagents, and novel reactor technologies. We are also involved in research into synthesis, analysis and applications of novel materials as well as the study and development of new applications for renewable resources and in particular agricultural, food and forestry waste. |
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