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目前資源共享網雛型已成,歡迎大家提供資料與改進方向,讓資源共享的精神促進科研之推廣與發展。 |
2006. 7 |
所謂生物催化(Biocatalysis)乃為利用自然界生物中的酵素或其他具催化能力的生物分子進行催化反應。生物催化劑廣泛存在生物系統中。酵素為最為人熟知的生物催化劑。另外,核糖核酸(RNA)亦已知是一種兼有遺傳信息的傳遞及生物催化功能的生物大分子。一般而言,生物酵素均具有高度反應專一性及產物立體位向選擇性。人類早在6000年前即已知道利用酵母菌發酵釀酒。約一百年前化學家即已開始利用生物催化的方法進行有機反應。由於生物催化劑具有類似有機金屬錯合物的催化能力,但無重金屬汙染問題,近年來其重要性不斷提昇。尤其在不能有金屬殘留的新藥合成及開發上,生物催化更常扮演重要角色。 |
書籍 |
Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industries — Patel, Ramesh N.USA.(2007), 893 pp.Publisher: (CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Fla.).
Review biocatalyst pharmaceutical biotechnol industry. |
Green Chemistry and Catalysis — The first book to focus on catalytic processes from the viewpoint of green
chemistry presents all the important aspects. Written by Roger A. Sheldon and
his co-workers, the result is an indispensable source for scientists looking to
improve catalysis in both college and industry.
Sheldon, Roger Arthur / Arends, Isabel / Hanefeld, Ulf 1. Edition |
Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry:A Textbook /
Faber, Kurt —本書提供詳盡生物催化相關有機反應
Biocatalysis Bommarius, Andreas Sebastian / Riebel, Bettina R — 由生物化學的觀點出發,有較詳細的生物催化發展歷程,實際例子及相關物理方法的細述。
Review Articles |
Computational Design of Enzymes — Sterner, Reinhard; Merkl, Rainer; Raushel, Frank M.Chemistry & Biology, 2008, 15, 421-423.
The de novo design of enzymes with activities not found in natural biocatalysts is a major challenge for molecular biology. Sophisticated computational methods have recently led to impressive progress in this exciting and rapidly evolving field. |
Heme-iron Oxygenases: Powerful Industrial Biocatalysts? — Julsing, Mattijs K.; Cornelissen, Sjef; Buehler, Bruno; Schmid, Andreas.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 2008, 12, 177-186.
The question of whether cytochrome P 450 enzymes are powerful industrial biocatalysts is discussed. |
Enzymatic Synthesis of Optically Active Tertiary Alcohols:
Expanding the Biocatalysis Toolbox — Kourist, Robert; Dominguez de Maria, Pablo; Bornscheuer, Uwe T .ChemBioChem 2008, 9, 491-498.
This minireview describes the state of the art in this area, highlighting aspects of basic academic research into the practical application of biocatalysts for the synthesis of optically active tertiary alcohols. |
Biocatalysis in Supercritical Fluids, in Fluorous Solvents, and under Solvent-Free Conditions — Chem. Rev. 2007, 107, 2786-2820.
Helen R. Hobbs and Neil R. Thomas |
Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids — Chem. Rev. 2007, 107, 2757-2785.
Fred van Rantwijk and Roger A. Sheldon
. |
Recent Advances in Developing Chemoenzymatic Processes for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients — Org. Process Res. Dev., 2007, 11(2), 259-267.
Junhua, T.; Zhao, L.; Ran, N. |
Biocatalysis for pharmaceutical intermediates: the future is now — Trends in Biotechnology
Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 66-73 .
David J. Pollard and John M. Woodley |
Nitrilase and Its Application as a Green Catalyst — Chemistry & Biodiversity 18 Dec 2006, Volume 3, Issue 12, Pages 1279 - 1287 |
Environmental biocatalysis: from remediation with enzymes to novel green processes — Trends in Biotechnology, Volume 24, Issue 6, June 2006, Pages 281-287.
Miguel Alcalde, Manuel Ferrer, Francisco J. Plou and Antonio Ballesteros |
Center for Bioremediation — 對有機污染物,金屬及無機化合物等生物降解的相關訊息。 |
Databases/Expert System |
Conferences |
2nd European Process Intensification Conference — Venice - Italy, 14 - 17 June 2009
2nd International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry — Sep 14, 2008 - Sep 20, 2008 St.Petersburg Russia
Biotrans 2009. July 5-9, 2009. Berne, Switzerland. —Biotrans takes place every two years in Europe with attendance of 500-600 participants from academia and industry, focusing on applied and fundamental aspects of biocatalysis. Topics: Directed Evolution and Screening, Metabolic Engineering, Biotransformations in Organic Synthesis, Bioinformatics, Modeling, and Mechanisms, Carbohydrate Active Enzymes, Industrial Applications
5th International Conference on Enviromental Catalysis — Belfast, Northern Ireland. 31st Augustto 3rd September 2008 |
1st International Congress on Green Process Engineering —Toulouse, France - 24-26 April 2007 |
BIO International Convention — May 06-09, 2007 Boston, MA, USA |
International Conference "Biocatalysis - 2007.
Structure, functions, applications" — Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Russia June, 17 - 22, 2007 |
12ACC International Symposium on Environmental and Green Chemistry (EGC) 2007 — Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 23-25 August 2007 |
Europacat VIII: European Congress on Catalysis — Turku/Abo, Finnland, 26.Aug 2007 - 31.Aug 2007 |
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