Environmental Performance Index 2012 — 耶魯提供的各國環境評比,可查閱台灣的各項指數。General(2013.02.07) |
RSC Green Chemistry Series —英國皇家化學學會出版的一系列書籍General(2013.02.07) |
Chemical Society Review 2012, Issues 4. Themed issue for green chemistry General(2012.03.23) |
有機綠色化學實驗(J. Chem. Educ., 2012, 89, 262)— 藉著Cyclohexanol Cycle
及Nylon 6,6 的合成等一系列實驗,介紹綠色化學原則。 Education(2012.03.23) |
GreenChemWeb — A Resource Guide for Green and Sustainable Chemistry。General(2011.12.28) |
Green Nanotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities — ACS Green Chemistry Institute與Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute
發表關於綠色奈米科技的白皮書,描述當前的挑戰與應有的對策。General(2011.08.17) |
永續合成工作坊-歷次演講內容 General(2010.12.10) |
綠能及綠色化學電子月刊 — 2010年七月創刊,由大同大學生物工程學系發行 General(2010.11.22) |
The 15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference in concert with the 5th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, June 21-23, 2011, in Washington, DC. General(2010.11.19) |
Sustainable Chemistry 2011—
First International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry 6 - 8 July 2011, Antwerp, Belgium General(2010.10.04) |
15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference June 21-23, 2011, Washington, D.C., USAGeneral(2010.10.04) |
GCEdNet Green Chemistry Education Network Education(2010.10.04) |
美國國家地理雜誌: 高分子 — 美國國家地理雜誌開闢的”高分子”網站,除了介紹何謂高分子、自然界和家中有哪些是高分子中,還介紹高分子的再利用分類等。Bioplastics(2010.09.27) |
自己在家做高分子 — 由Lemelson Center所提供的一個在家用牛奶做生物高分子的實驗。Bioplastics(2010.09.27) |
科學人:生物可分解性塑膠,遇水即降解 — 科普文章,簡單明瞭的介紹生物塑膠的特性、優點、缺點與目前遇到的瓶頸。Bioplastics(2010.09.27) |
Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text, 2nd Ed. — Mike Lancaster 2010年之著作;值得一讀的綠色化學教科書,以簡單方式概要的簡介綠色化學,並在許多方面舉出綠色化學對於化學工業領域上的重要性。General(2010.09.23) |
Educating the Next Generation: Green and Sustainable Chemistry — An on-line conference, April - June 2010 Education(2010-05-11) |
2009 ACS Green Chemistry Summer School Presentations — 有12場演講的投影片可直接下載 General(2010.05.10) |
第二十一屆國際化學教育研討會 (21st International Conference on Chemical Education,
ICCE) — ICCE是由國際純粹與應用化學聯合會(International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC)每兩年主辦一次的國際大型化學教育研討會,於2010年8月8日至13日假台北國際會議中心舉辦。Education(2010-01-28) |
ACS Summer School on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy General(2010.01.25) |
Next Generation Bio-Based Chemicals Summit — San Diego, CA, February 8-10, 2010 "Bringing together the value chain for drop-in and new chemicals derived from cellulosics, algae, waste streams, and CO2" General(2010.01.25) |
The European Sustainable Chemistry Award —
EuCheMS (the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences)
自2010年開始頒發之獎項General(2010.01.25) |
Chemistry for a Sustainable World —The theme for the 239th ACS National Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA. March 21-25, 2010 General(2009.12.16) |
The Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry — This center aims to advance green chemistry principles and practice through interdisciplinary research, education, and novel collaborations among investigators working at the intersection of chemistry, toxicology, environmental health, business, law, and public policy. General(2009.12.16) |